Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Report card

Last Friday report cards came out. That morning,I wondered what mine would say.
After a lot of work during the school day I put it in my backpack. I hoped that I would get a good 1.
When I read it on the bus my friend Jacob sat next to me on the seat.
When I checked it the papers said I got check plus's.
Oh and the marks you can get are check minus the worst. Check is in the middle and check plus the best. When I got home mom was HAPPY.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on receiving good marks for all of your hard work and positive behavior at school! Very exciting! You must be proud (and it seems like your mom is too).

Mrs. Diederich said...

You are a very nice young man and a hard worker! You always seem interested in learning and wanting to know more! I hope your enthusiams continues to grow!!!

Lisa Chiu said...

yes i am very proud Sarah. i am interested in my work and i like to learn about all sorts of stuff mrs Diederich.