Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Going to Grandmas

Yesterday i went to my ah-mas (taiwanese grandmas) house. It was around 10:00. when me my brother and my mom got there they made me and my brother honey bread. mom had to teach around that time then we watched the 1st jurassic park movie about a family who discovers how to make a dinosaur using frog dna but some dinosaurs attack them during the night and they manage to escape the park.

After the movie was over i played the wii  and did wii sports and i did tennis by myself. [Usaully i play wii sports with my brother but he was on his i-pod.] then after i did that mom came to pick me and my brother up but we stayed there longer because we couldn't find the internet password and she had to help. Usaully we know it but when we put it in it said it was wrong. We stayed there for another half hour and mom made a 20 minute call. In the mean time i played more wii sports and played baseball this  time. Finally we could leave my grandmas house.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Bad Pen

Today i used a pen.

Image credit: stupid.com
Its 1 of those pens where if you push the button you ask a question like "will i grow a beard"? Not like "whats 2332436 plus 65890"?

So anyway i asked "will i get a lot of iPad time"?
Its answer was "if your lucky"
i asked "am i lucky?"
Its answer was "if your lucky"
so i asked "am i lucky?"
Its answer was "if your lucky"
so i asked "am i lucky?"
The answer was "the question is unclear"
so i yelled "AM I LUCKY?"
It replied with "if your lucky"
so for the millionth time i asked "am i lucky?"
it finally said  yes.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Going to the Market Distrect

For dinner yesterday i was going to giant eagle aka market distrect . Mom bought me chicken tenders, peas, corn, rasberrys, pineapple, and peppers. i also love all of this food but mixed together?       AWESOME! mom did this to help cheer me up when i banged my leg on a bar.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


next sunday is easter. 1 of my favorite holidays !!!!!!
some things that i like about it are you get many things in your easter basket or at least 1 thing you want, a cool hunt looking for the eggs, and it will be fantastic!!!!!

but some times i get mad if my brother finds more eggs or if me and my brother don't find all the eggs or my parents don't let me look at the things the easter bunny gave to me or if when i go to the high school easter egg hunt i don't get many eggs. but still this years 1 should be great!

Spring Break

as you all know it is currantally spring break and lots of you are going somewhere. well me and my family are going to orlando to go in a harry potter amusement park. we are going to stay there for four to five days. and we are flying there. i feel really good because i haven't been flying for a while and i feel even better because the harry potter place will be awesome!!!!!

Eating bagels

today i ate bagels with jelly on it.
my mom bought the bagels at d and r bagels new location.
at 1st i thought the bagels would be terrible.
to be exact i ate 1cinnamon raison and a blueberry. the cinnamon 1 had strawberry jam on it and the blueberry had grape jam on it . i ate 1 half of the cinnamon in the car and ate the 2nd half and the blueberry bagel at home. now i think d and r bagels bagels are really good.  

Hello, world!

hello world my name is nolan thomas. i am 7 and a half. i live in clevaland. i am in 1st grade. i like ipad time pizza lemonade. i also like goofing around with my freinds. the sports i am into are baseball, soccer, and basketball. my favorite holidays are christmas, easter, halloween, and the 4th of july.